01404 890088

Mon - Fri: 8:30 - 16:30 Customer Support

EU Training Centre

12a Flightway, Dunkeswell, Honiiton, Devon EX14 4RD

NAADUK Approved Training Centres

South West - 12a Flightway, Dunkeswell, Honiton, Devon. EX14 4RD
Midlands - Unit 9, Enterprise Trading Estate, Hurst Lane, Brierley Hill, West Midlands. DY5 1TX

01404 890088

Mon - Fri: 9.00 - 16:30 Customer Support




Grease extract cleaning kit for removal of grease and cleaning of kitchen extract systems.


To order please email info@aeme.co.uk or telephone 01404 890088


This kit is designed specifically to make life easier for one of the worst jobs that require yearly cleaning. It is also designed for use with an electric drill.

Kit includes: 2.5 Mtr Extending High Strength Pole; 6 Scrapers which comprise of 3 half round and 3 Oblong; 1 x 5 Mtr Flex Drive Cable; 1 x 3 Mtr Flex Drive Cable; 1 x 2 Mtr Flex Drive Cable; 1 x 1 Mtr Flex Drive Cable; 7 Heavy Duty Grease Brushes. 1x Grease Brush Cable Connector; 1x Wet Film Thickness Gauge

Click here for product document